Asked to do a bit of roadwork, our photo challengers responded with enthusiasm and creativity. The brief was to create images that somehow conveyed the spirit of ‘the long and winding road’. Once again the judging task was not an easy one, but in the end we had to go for Adam Donnelly’s moody study.


Asked to do a bit of roadwork, our photo challengers responded with enthusiasm and creativity. The brief was to create images that somehow conveyed the spirit of ‘the long and winding road’. Once again the judging task was not an easy one, but in the end we had to go for Adam Donnelly’s moody study.


Winner: Adam Donnelly
Here’s what Adam had to say about the shot: ‘I took this photo from the top of Wild Horse Mountain between Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast. I was up there to take photos of the storm approaching from the west behind the Glasshouse Mountains. This photo was taken facing south just as the sun was setting behind thick heavy clouds. The winding road is actually the Bruce Highway. In the distance you can just see the lights of the northern outskirts of Brisbane as it sprawls towards the Sunshine Coast.’


First runner-up: David Hardin


Second runner-up, Nathan Rabe
Taken with Canon 20D and a 28-105mm zoom.
No filter, No tripod. Taken through rear view mirror as we
returned from a long and fun Easter Weekend with cousins.
Our first runner-up is Dave Hardin’s elegant rendering of a particularly sinuous stretch of road, while our second runner-up slot goes to Nathan Rabe for his evocative picture of a small person lulled to sleep by the long and winding road home from the rellies’.


For his beautiful image, we’ll be sending Adam Donnelly ColorVision’s Spyder2 monitor colour calibration tool.

Details of the current Photo Challenge are published in Photo Review magazine. Click here to order online or to find out where to buy your copy.