By Ian Smith. Camping on the North Coast of NSW, we were privileged to observe two Kites in a courtship display and I managed to grab a couple of images!

Whistling Kite courtship

By Ian Smith

First winner Image Review 14

Canon R5; RF 100-500mm lens @ 500mm, 1/2000s; f7.1; ISO 1000

Camping on the North Coast of NSW, we were privileged to observe two Kites in a courtship display and I managed to grab a couple of images!

Don’s response

One BIF (Bird In Flight) is challenging enough to capture, but two birds in tack-sharp focus while engaged in some interesting aerobatics as photographer Ian Smith has managed here is truly another level altogether.

Removing the background may not be to everyone’s taste, but in this instance I don’t mind as it distils the image down to the two intriguing subjects.

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