Photo by Ellen Wilson Canon 7D; 76mm; f/6.7; 1/180s; ISO 800 A photograph I took of my old grandmother during …

Photo by Ellen Wilson
Canon 7D; 76mm; f/6.7; 1/180s; ISO 800
A photograph I took of my old grandmother during my trip to the Philippines.
Don’s Review
This is an impressively powerful picture. While one might wish for a half-stop more exposure in the shadowed eyes, unusually for a portrait, it doesn’t matter so much because this is all about the ancient hand and the silvery, deeply lined topography of grandmother’s face. Opting for a black and white interpretation was a very good choice in my view. Undistracted by colour, we viewers can enjoy the almost sculptural quality of the face and hand; the fingers poised to close on the cigarette when she finishes that drag.