This image is of Sea Cliff Bridge on the Illawarra coast of NSW. I was on a rock ledge at the Coal Cliff end of the bridge.

The Sea Cliff Bridge by Terry Everson
I used a Nikon D5000 with a Tamron 18-270mm lens at 18mm, f/11, 200 ISO and stacked two Cokin ND filters to slow the wash of the waves to add a bit of foreground interest. A tripod was also used.
Don’s response
Terry’s methodical approach has paid off nicely. The image is detailed, correctly exposed and I think well composed.
As I’ve noted in other reviews, seascapes present photographers with certain challenges, particularly when it comes to the horizon. First, although it does actually curve slightly, we expect it to be straight. The slight barrel distortion typical of a wide-angle lens is evident here. Fortunately this is easily corrected in the post-processing stage.
And secondly, too much featureless distant ocean horizon can make for dull area in your composition. In this case it’s not too bad, but I think it would have been a bit better had it been confined to no more than a third of the image width.
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