This is an image from a series of portraits I took of my then 87 year old grandfather. He is about to turn 90 in September. I wanted for this portrait to speak something about his character and personality, whilst evoking emotion from his demeanour and the varying shades of window light.

Ted Flower Snr by Asher Milgate
Canon 20D; 17-85mm lens at 17mm; f/5.6 at 1/60s; ISO 100
Don’s response
Asher Milgate’s study of his grandfather has an attractive contemplative quality.
The composition works well, but I wondered how it might look if it’d been cropped in on the right and from the bottom. Imagine the right side of the picture being roughly between the alarm clock and the illuminated pattern on the wall behind the subject. While I love that clock, I wonder if it doesn’t subtly distract from the sitter.
The hands and facial expression are lovely, but I would experiment with bringing up the tonal values of the face by half a stop or so. Done carefully in post production, a touch of extra brightness could improve the delicate modelling of the sitter’s features.
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