By Alan Coligado. Young monks line up for their only meal of the day at Mahagandayon Monastery in Mandalay, Myanmar.
By Alan Coligado
First winner Image Review 12
Sony NEX-6, 70-200mm lens; f/11; ISO 100; 1/320s
Young monks line up for their only meal of the day at Mahagandayon Monastery in Mandalay, Myanmar.
Don’s response
By choosing to render this image in black and white, photographer Alan Coligado removes the distraction of colour and gives us a picture that has a quiet, meditative quality that is respectful of its subjects’ contemplative dignity.
I like the way he has deepened the shadows so that the boys’ faces emerge softly from the velvety darkness.
It would be interesting to see how the balance of the composition might respond to having the dimly illuminated shoulder and face of the rightmost figure ‘opened’ up a quarter of a stop or so with a touch of digital dodging…
Marvellous work.