By Alex Barnes-Keoghan.
This creek is just past a place known as French’s Farm. I was riding to Haunted Bay, when – as I was crossing the bridge – it stuck out as a perfect photo opportunity.


On The Way To Haunted Bay, by Alex Barnes-Keoghan

Olympus E-M5; 40-150mm; 40mm; 1/800s; f/11; ISO 200

Don’s response

It’s easy to see why Alex Barnes-Keoghan stopped to photograph this particular scene.

From the shadows we can tell that it was taken in the middle of the day and yet it still works quite well thanks in part to the interesting sky and the very clear air. The eye follows the river off into the distance to those distant mountains before looping back to enjoy the details of the trees and the almost metallic looking surface of the river.

Because Alex was standing on a bridge, there is a mild sense of floating above the landscape rather than being grounded in it. But the effect is slight and the trees either side help to keep us in the context rather than merely looking in on it.

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