All photographers face the challenge of seeing photographically – as opposed to just seeing.


Lucinda Sugar Loading Facility, by Milena Minchio
FinePix S4000; night mode for tripod; no flash

Don’s response  
All photographers face the challenge of seeing photographically – as opposed to just seeing.

My hunch is that the rising moon over the pier is what caught photographer Melina Minchio’s eye. This is in fact a rather difficult photographic problem and although a tripod was used, the very low light means the camera is operating at the very limit of its capabilities.

Judging from the ocean surface, there was probably a little breeze ever so slightly jiggling the camera. The combination of low light and vibration mean the picture is not in sharp focus and the image noise level is high.

Whilst the line of pier has a certain dynamism, the camera is just too far away. Assuming such a thing was possible, getting right next to the pier, or even on it, and then finding a way to work the moon into the composition might have delivered a more interesting image.

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