By Tom Pearsall. Shot whilst swimming in the waters of Margaret River, WA, at a location where there has been the most recent shark attack in 2018.

Jack Robinson

By Tom Pearsall

Sony A9 body; GM 70-200mm f2.8

Shot whilst swimming in the waters of Margaret River, WA, at a location where there has been the most recent shark attack in 2018.

Jack Robinson flew into the air and whilst a wave blocked my view the incredible autofocus of the A9 locked on and there was a moment where the wave “bokehed” the foreground, and only Jacks silhouette was sharp. A lucky moment!

Don’s response

Definitely not a picture Tom could have planned, but were it not for his ignoring any fear of sharks, he wouldn’t have been there to catch the moment.

Another case of fortune favouring the brave.

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